[s-cars] RE: HR Springs on 1995 S6

Ravensmith ravensmith at adelphia.net
Wed Feb 5 16:36:52 EST 2003

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I'm using the Bilstein and H&R combo and really like it.  The one and only =
complaint I have is that when it's cold, my Bilsteins seem to make some squ=
ising sounds.  Other than that, GO FOR IT!  I got mine from Mike Potter at =
www.parts4vws.com.  He is a friend and can order anything.  Beat Blaus pric=
e pretty handily.  I used the V8 springs and the sport struts.  A pretty fu=
n weekend project.  If I had to do it over, I'd have done the back myself a=
nd let the shop do the front.  I almost killed myself twice trying to get t=
he spring compressors on with the springs in the car.  You will also want t=
o have a set of the dust boots for the front on hand too (Mike got me these=
 pretty cheap from his dealer source).  And also don't forget to cut the bo=
ttom inch or so off the bump stops on the back. I did. Great for track, but=
 almost no suspension travel on the road....  The UrS4 web site has a great=
 writeup and part numbers for you.


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 13:46:53 -0500

Elvis today:  I am getting tired of my rancho suspension look on my bone
1995 s6. What does everyone say about the HR/Bilstein combination?

Fast forward about 18 months...

Elvis:  So Hap, which do you prefer, unobtanium or illudium to impregnate
the ceramic fetzer valve of your hybrid turbo?

Be careful my friend, it's a very slippery slope.


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