[s-cars] Re: 80tq: Opinions wanted

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 6 22:47:53 EST 2003

--- Robert Deis <rdeis at io.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> >
> > -After about 3 or 4 really hard laps a high RPM cutout will appear at
> > certain times, usually a certain turn or stretch of the track, the motor
> > won't want to rev past 5k rpm or so
> High RPM/High boost cutout usually indicates a spark problem to me, but I
> thought a spark problem should get worse, not better, with low
> temperatures and high humidity. It also wouldn't explain the coolant issue
> that seems to be related.
> With the coolant event you describe, I'm tempted to say that some seal is
> separating just enough to let some pressure out at extremely high outputs
> and high temperatures.

like a head gasket, maybe?

it's a fairly common problem on turbocharged/supercharged mustangs,
as the ford 302 engine block doesn't have a lot of studs in it for the
heads, and the studs are on the skinny side.  sometimes it also
happens when they run right up to the ragged edge of detonation, and
weaken a headgasket enough for it to leak a little at high rpm/boost.

is there a progressive power loss up to 5k rpm or does it abruptly
fall on its face at 5k?


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