[s-cars] RS2 vs. Sport Quattro Manifold?

Miikka Salonen miikka.salonen at kolumbus.fi
Fri Feb 7 19:03:48 EST 2003

>There are major fitment issues with the SQ EM. It mounts the turbo much
>further outboard from the head. This will require you to abandon your stock
>airbox. It also requires a new downpipe and new charge air plumbing. Oil
>water lines must also be changed for the new turbo location.

Heh, I tried to send message to list that it is not issue. Well I did't
understand the guestion. Yes, you can bolt it on, but then you really need
other changes.

Here is picture of my car with S1 manifold

And here big one (600 KB) from better angle:


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