[s-cars] Oil Filter Troubles

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 9 18:22:55 EST 2003

--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> More of a general question to everyone- any problems with
> dealerships overtightening oil filters?
> I went to change the oil on the A4 today and the oil filter
> was on there so tightly that it just wouldn't come off- to
> the point that the oil filter wrench crushed the filter, nearly
> broke it in two and I only managed maybe 1/4 turn with all of
> that effort.


in that situation, you can try punching a big screwdriver through the
filter and using that to try to twist the filter loose.  always worked
for me.

i'd suggest getting an oil filter cap wrench.  i have several for my
various cars, though i don't think i've gotten around to getting one
for the audi yet.


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