[s-cars] Salvage Title
Mark Strangways
strangconst at rogers.com
Mon Feb 10 23:08:23 EST 2003
Your rules down there must be somewhat different from our rules up here.
I don't think we have any problems restoring a write off. I know of a brand
new 2003 VW that had it's radio stolen and window broken on the dealers lot.
The insurance company wrote it off. Dealer didn't want it, could not sell it
as new.
Car went cheap and fast :) No radio , but all glass in.
I would be interested to hear the rules down there. I would not have an
issue buying a write off. If the price was right and the car was sound and
repaired to spec. Certainly will not have much value, but what the heck.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Johnson" <gregsj2 at attbi.com>
To: "V8" <V8 at Audifans.com>; "QList" <quattro at audifans.com>; "northwest audi
enthusiasts" <audi-nw at u.washington.edu>; "S Cars" <s-car-list at audifans.com>;
"Shayne" <thequattroking at yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 10:46 PM
Subject: [s-cars] Salvage Title
> <sigh> I found what I thought was great V8Q today. '93 4.2, Pearl
> over black, 87K miles. Looks good, drives nicely (seat of the pants
> tells me it needs an 02 sensor). Asked the Sales Mgr for a CarFax. He
> produces it no questions asked - we discover that in 10/98, with 48K, a
> salvage title issued. I really believe the guy didn't know, he seemed
> as disappointed as I was (or he's a helluva an actor). Took it by the
> Audi dealer and pulled the service record. The guy translated the code
> for me, nothing usual, but he did confirm that the car had be totaled.
> I took the car to my mechanic and spent an hour and a half picking it
> over. He confirmed the accident, left front and he found a few service
> issues (e.g. the belly pan is missing and the rotors are warped) but he
> also says whoever fixed it did a decent job and if the price were right,
> he'd buy it.
> Questions:
> Is the rule you simply do not buy a car with a salvage title, or are
> there exceptions? I realize that if I buy this car, for all intents
> and purposes, I am stuck with it.
> What should the price be? Are we talking parts car pricing here?
> Can one get insurance for a such a car? I'm betting not for the car
> itself, but what about liability?
> Any other thoughts?
> Your collective help and wisdom is greatly appreciated.
> Greg J
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