[s-cars] [Fwd: S4 wind noise problem]

Vincent Fregeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 13 00:15:38 EST 2003

Other listers can confirm but a slight wind noise is normal and, AFAIK,
part of the design of the car. The wind noise you hear when the window
frame is not adjusted is seriously annoying and require the radio for
long trips. On my car, I could always relate the wind noise to a part of
the joint which was 1 or 2 mm away from the frame so if you checked all
around the door and the joint was sticking to the frame every where, the
wind noise should not be related to the window frame adjustment.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de Darin Nederhoff
Envoyé : 12 février 2003 18:53
Objet : [s-cars] [Fwd: S4 wind noise problem]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: S4 wind noise problem
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:27:31 -0800
From: "Randy Carver" <carver at peoplepc.com>
To: <s-car-list-admin at audifans.com>


I have a 1994 S4 with a slight wind noise problem.

I hear a slight wind noise while driving at high speeds.  I adjusted the
door frame so there is no gap between the door and the frame, and the
seal is tight, but the wind noise did not go away.

I think this wind noise comes from the shape of the mirrors and there is
nothing I can do about it.  I put tape across the gap between the mirror
and door frame, and the wind noise subsided, but it was still there.

Also, I used to have a 1986 5000cs that had a different mirror design
and did not have any wind noise.  This 5000 was also in a wreck and the
door panel did not fit perfectly flush against the frame, but it was
still very quiet.  I also used to have a 1997 Acura 3.2tl and it had the
same type of mirror design as my current S4 and it had a wind noise
problem even when the door was completely sealed.

Any suggestions, or is this normal?


Randy Carver
425-337-4467 office
425-864-5033 cell

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