[s-cars] Fuel leak on '96 S6 - continuing

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 14 21:10:52 EST 2003

Yup, Nick's an ace. He's the guy I called to get the recall issued when Audi
Canada wouldn't cover the fuel line repair on my '94 S4 several years ago.
Very efficient, very effective chap - he had the recall out in a few weeks
after other listers e-mailed and faxed him corroborating evidence!

Fred Munro

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Vincent Fregeac
Sent: February 12, 2003 11:37 AM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE : [s-cars] Fuel leak on '96 S6 - continuing

After a few calls to several Audi dealers, Audi of Canada and Transport
Canada and the help of www.urs4.org fuel leak page, it appears the
recall circular sent by Audi Canada to the dealers mention the Audi of
America VIN range which is NN018460 to SN121867. The document Transport
Canada received from Audi Canada has a different range: NN027085 to
VN061517. Of course, Audi dealers don't care, but Transport Canada
rules. They just announced me that Audi Canada will rush all the
necessary parts to the dealer of my choice and ask the dealer to take
care of my car as soon as the parts arrive, whatever their schedule.
They are also working with Audi Canada to either have a new Recall
Campaign for '96 and '97 model or revise the actual recall to include
these years. If they choose the second option, the recall may not be
sent to '96 and '97 S6 owner. Anyway, Transport Canada should keep me
informed of the decision from Audi Canada and I'll keep you posted. If
you have '96 or '97 S6 and don't hear any news from Audi, you can also
call Nick, at Transport Canada 1-800-333-0510 ext. 122. He took care of
my problem and he is the most efficient guy from a government agency I
ever deal with. I just hope he won't hate me for ever when he will
receive all the calls from S6 owners ;-)


-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de Vincent Fregeac
Envoyé : 11 février 2003 22:25
À : s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : [s-cars] Fuel leak on '96 S6

Hi all,

I was sure it won't be long before my S6 with will find another way to
leak after the PS Pump and the expansion tank. It took her only three
days but she had no more imagination than the previous ones, another
infamous leak: fuel line in the turbo area.

The question is: Is it really the infamous fuel leak related to the
recall? The car is a '96 //S6 and the problem was supposed to be solved
in these years, at least according to Audi - Transport Canada rules all
S4/S6, 92 to 97. All fuel lines in this area are metallic lines except
two: a short SS braided line with 4-5 inch visible and going below the
fuel filter and another short line of rubber along the fender upper
edge. Is it the infamous fuel lines or does the SS braid and remaining
line in metal means the recall have already been done. When I bought the
car, I checked the recall with the dealer even before giving him the
check and, of course, he said no fuel line problem on this car.

The SS braid is soaked with fuel and the metal line just below is humid.
No other trace of fuel in the area. The leak is not so bad for now but
I'm still concerned and don't want to wait until it sprays fuel on the
turbo or downpipe. Any hints before I go fight with the dealer.



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