[s-cars] Severe Overboost

Ed Walsh rundeep_32 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 16 13:06:29 EST 2003


My S6 with newly installed 1+ software and GM 3 bar
sensor is boosting to over 28 PSI, even though it
should see 22-23 max.  Not good.  When it does this,
boost builds very quickly at low RPM (2,200)then
rockets to ~28 or so PSI by 4,000 rpm, but  without
the corresponding kick.  Clutch is not slipping.  When
it hits ~28 PSI, the over boost safety circuitry
sharply backs off the boost until it is under control,
then it starts to build again around 5,000 rpm. The
car does accelerate, but not with the oomph you would
expect at those levels.

I figured out how to swap chips in the ECU so I tried
some III+ SW and the car still over-boosted.  So it
must be something else on the car that is not
functioning or is there a hose disconnected, etc?

Thank you, Ed

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