[s-cars] Quattro VS Police Crown Vic

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Mon Feb 17 12:11:47 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Here is my own story about a q and  crown vic.  :-)

A few years ago I was away from home overnight and was driving home during
a snowstorm the next day  Traffic was as usual during such
situations.  Everyone was driving at about 20-25 mph in single file in the
two tire tracks on the right side of the divided 4 lane highway.  The left
lane was fairly well packed snow.  I was cruising the left lane quite
comfortably and in perfect control at about 60 when I passed a VA REO in
the line on the right.  He flashed me and I waved and went right on by.  He
drifted left and turned on his blues.  OK.  There's no way he could ever
catch me in these conditions but I can't outrun his radio so I'll
stop.  With a grin I pulled completely off the highway way over into about
15 inches of snow about 30-40 feet from the road surface.  Mr. REO pulled
right in behind me off to the side just a bit.  We went through the usual
ass-chewing-Yessir-Yessir bit.  He finally ran down so I simply put the q
in gear and pulled right out leaving the REO still sitting on the
shoulder.  He was still there when I last saw him in my rear view mirror
from about a mile away.  :-)

At 11:45 AM 2/17/2003 -0500, Angelo Alexopoulos wrote:

Slick driveway story deleted.  Good one, Angelo.

>Gotta luv the quattro's!

You bet!

>94 S4
>83 urq


Can't find Osama? Bomb Iraq!

  Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen  ICQ 22170244

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