[s-cars] Windshield washer leak >> difficult to find!

Rich Assarabowski konecc at snet.net
Mon Feb 17 19:51:52 EST 2003

Just fixed a windshield washer fluid leak last week in mine, the plastic
hose from the pump had a small crack...

-- Rich A.
   '93 S4

>After first spotting a leak on my garage floor and then watching my
windshield reservoir slowly empty over a couple of
>days (approx 1/2 teaspoon per minute) I pulled reservoir, expecting to
find a crack.
>The tank appears fine, there are no leaks apparent from the pumps.  I
filled the tank with water and have it on the
>kitchen counter.  Dry. Am I missing some source that could be
intermittent?  Maybe a failure only evident 'in situ',
>related to the torque put on the tank by the mounting flanges? Has
anyone replaced the seals between the reservoir and
>Hate to admit that in my enthusiasm to find the leak I filled it
without noting the level of the fluid; the tank did not
>drain itself completely >> I don't know whether it stopped at the level
of the pump(s) or not.  Arggh. Thanks in advance,

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