[s-cars] RE: Sunroof in need of exorcism

Paul Heneghan paul at heneghan.co.uk
Wed Feb 19 00:08:16 EST 2003

Thanks for all the replies about my sunroof problem.  You were all right -
it is battery related.

I replaced the battery, said a couple of Hail Marys and noticed the
Sunroof works properly - shows no ill effects of trying to run past its end
stop - lucky!
When starting the car, the starter spins the engine like a kid on a 125cc
Japanese motorbike!
When the starter is spinning the engine, the Voltmeter indicates 10-11V.
Previously it dropped off the scale (I assumed that it was in the 12V
circuit that got disconnected when the starter ran).
The range of the IR remote has doubled.
MPG seems to have improved???  Not entirely sure about this, but I'm seeing
24 instead of the usual 22 and it's much colder than normal.  To early to
say for sure, but I'll keep an eye on it.

So, a word of advice - if your engine spins over slowly on the starter,
replace the battery immediately before your sunroof opens on the coldest day
of the year (Lead-Acid batteries are VERY temperature dependant).

Thanks again.


p.s. I never did find the fuse - I suspect it is in the fuse/relaybox
between the firewalls under the bonnet.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Heneghan [mailto:paul at heneghan.co.uk]
> Sent: 16 February 2003 02:08
> To: S-Car-List; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Sunroof in need of exorcism
> I am now the proud owner of a possessed sunroof!

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