[s-cars] taking my turn

Philip Mische pmische at comcast.net
Thu Feb 20 18:00:13 EST 2003

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95.5 S6.  Chipped, runs fine.  Turn off the car.  One hour later I fire it =
up and not everyone fires up - it acts like it's got a fouled plug.  It's v=
ery unhappy, and so am I.  We limp home, grateful I don't have to deal with=
 this out on the road with my 4-yr-old in the back seat.

Pulled the sparking plugs out, they all look fine (!).  I have 2 questions =
(for now):

1) Is this how a bad POS behaves?
2) What's the correct spark plug torque?  After all the discussions about p=
lugs tearing out of their mounts and denting the hood, after all the discou=
rse RE the importance of torquing them correctly (w/o anti-seize) - I can't=
 find the damn torque spec in Bentley.  If you want just tell me the page #=


Phil Mische

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