[s-cars] hard start update

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 21 11:06:55 EST 2003

Did you clean the ISV and MAF yet?  If not, do it.
That's about all I can think of on a Friday.

--- Paul Krasusky <KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com>
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> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Morning-
> Update:  my '95 had been hard hot-starting since
> Nov.  Cold starts fine,
> runs perfect, just cranks 3x prolonged before she
> comes to live when sitting
> for ~ 1-3 hours.  1 out of 5 cold starts it will
> start immediately, but
> "sputter to life" briefly.  Odd.  Also, I had ran it
> low on fuel in the fall
> enough to where I bucked to the pump.  D'oh.
> Good news bad news...
> Good news:  Fuel pump removal & install is a JOKE,
> even for me.  If it takes
> you an hour you suck.  Should anyone be interested,
> I'd be happy to do a
> write up on the procedure for the archives, lemme
> know.
> Bad news:  remove pump, it's a VDO unit, not the
> Bosch unit I've got to
> replace it with.  OK, that's fine.  But, it appears
> to be dated in the
> casing...  03/01.  UGH!  PO BTDT apparently (price
> reflected the no records
> issue, don't worry)???  OK, so maybe it's still
> shot.  The list has told me
> there's a check-valve in it that is failure prone,
> and allows the pressure
> to bleed off, hence the hard hot-start.  Right?
> Go outside just now upon earlier commute to work,
> doing same thing.  Though
> now it does it differently, now it cranks as normal,
> immediately sputters to
> start, then stalls immediately.  Re-start is the 3x
> crank routine, then
> starts / runs fine.
> WTF?
> Interestingly, I'd done the fuel filter just prior
> to this issue.  Anyone
> ever experienced a mfg. flaw in a filter and gone
> through this?  I'll likely
> swap filters next and see.  If not, anyone have any
> other thoughts?  More of
> a nuisance than anything, but I'm sure the starter
> strain will add up
> eventually.  It really 'feels / sounds/seems' like
> it's a pressure issue,
> hence the sputter to life thang.  No?
> Leaky injector?  I don't think it would act like
> this?
> Bad FPR?  I'd assume that would affect the way the
> car ran / performed in
> general?  Or not?
> Fuel line leak under car at rubber mount (rust) is
> causing pressure loss?
> Checking this next, though you'd think I'd smell it.
> Ah, this is why we love our S cars, right?  They're
> definitely
> "interesting".  Ugh.
> TIA, thoughts, suggestions, laughter (expected) are
> appreciated!
> -Paul
> CT
> '95 //S6 on to the next issue
> '58 TR3A fuel pump with manual priming lever on it
> '99 Arctic Cat ZR500 getting GOOD USE!
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