[s-cars] MFTS Replacement - benefits thereof

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Sun Feb 23 19:13:27 EST 2003

Finally - I have stable temperatures.  I replaced the thermostat two
weeks ago and when the temp gauge did work - it actually went up to
about 90 deg C (87 deg thermostat).  But then the gauge would go wierd
and the "temp" would drop for seeming no reason.  Bought a new
multi-function temperature switch (MFTS)  (Note: the new ones are three
pin rather than four - for some reason) and with my new chrome Westward
DMS 12629 (Deep Metric Socket 1/2"drive, 6 point, 29 mm) socket and a
normal ratchet (no stubby - no extension), I changed the MFTS
yesterday.  (Note: I did remove the air hoses to the throttle body and
idle stabilizer valve and disconnected the throttle body position
cable).  The old  MFTS did not put up any struggle (at all) and I was
able to use my finger to plug "the dike" while I swapped MFTS's in my
hand - hand started the new MFTS and then tightened it with the rachet.
Total of about 20 minutes including figuring out whether or not I needed
an extension (or not) and replacing the air hoses and the switch and
throttle body cables.  I only lost about 150 mL of coolant in the whole

The difference in the car is amazing (the sound you now hear is me -
kicking my butt for thinking that it was just a wonky gauge or
infamously bad Audi electrical connection.) (Boot...- d'oh!  Boot...d'oh

Dave F.

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