[s-cars] Happy Camper

Vincent Fregeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 24 14:38:31 EST 2003

Hi David,

First, you'll be positively surprised how the urS is reliable compare to
a 90Q20V. I've made the same switch and, now, I spend some weekend with
my girlfriend. She really loves this car, despites the "preacher car"
nickname she gave to my urS6 - debadged with winter steel wheels is part
of the origin of the nickname.

Besides, I think you should change the T-belt right now. The change
interval is 96Kmiles but your T-belt is 9 years old and, AFAIK, cracking
and drying is a matter of years, more than mileage. More over, when
you'll have your hands on the steering wheel, it will be much more
painful to live without it for a few days.

Oh, and for your german friends, it just depends how fat is your wallet.
What about another full RS2-spec urS on the list?

-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de David Ambrose
Envoyé : 24 février 2003 10:38
À : 's-car-list at audifans.com'
Objet : [s-cars] Happy Camper

So I just found my UrS4.  Before I got it home I was informed that it's
going to need some new brakes and a new tie rod.  Do you have
for a Boston area shop - if more than one comes to mind I live in
and work in Woburn?  I've heard a lot of great reviews about a shop in
Manchester NH, is it worth the trip?  I was fortunate to find one with
relatively low miles- 86,000 (1993).  My only near experience with this
is owning a 1991  90 20V Quattro.  Needless to say I'm very interested
preventive maintenance.  Do you have some suggestions of preventive
maintenance at this point - especially in regards to the transmission,
"transmission failure brought on by worn pinion bearings"  also do I get
timing belt and water pump replaced now or wait till 100K?  Any parts I
should ask my German friends to send my way?  Any and all advice is
and appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

david at pride-com.com

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