[s-cars] High beams stay on after relaying

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Mon Feb 24 14:42:15 EST 2003

Just use a resistor in parallel to the relay coil.
You will need to find the correct value by trail and error.
Once you have the correct value, use ohm's law to find the power rating
Power = Voltage (squared) / Resistance


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Fregeac" <vfregeac at sympatico.ca>
To: "'Wayne Dohnal'" <dohnal at hevanet.com>; "'S-car list'"
<s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 2:27 PM
Subject: RE : [s-cars] High beams stay on after relaying

Hi wayne,

Thanks for the explanation. Now I need to find a trick to get rid of the
current leak I suspected but, at least, I know what I'm dealing with.
May be I'll reroute the grounds and delete all the "one-light-on"
systems to be able to drive with lows, highs and fogs together ;-)

I've used one 40A relay for high beams and one for the low beams,
running standard bulbs with 9005 waiting to be installed for the lows.
All the installation is not even 1 day old so I can't comment on
reliability. Anyway, if I ever get a welded contact on a relay, two
additional relays will find their way in the driver headlight - or may
be 75A SSR mounted in the cabin to avoid contact corrosion.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Wayne Dohnal [mailto:dohnal at hevanet.com]
Envoyé : 24 février 2003 12:30
À : S-car list; vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Objet : [s-cars] High beams stay on after relaying


Do you have a Canadian S-car?  As part of a quick-and-dirty kludge to
the DRLs, the wiring relies on the filaments of the hibeam bulbs to
one side of the fog light relay.  When the hibeams are off the fog light
relay activates if +12 is on the other side of its coil.  When you turn
the hibeams, the side of the fog light coil connected to them goes to
and the fog light relay drops out.  So when your lobeams are on, your
hibeam relay coil is partially powered, in series with the fog light
coil.  It's not enough power to activate it, but it's enough to keep it
latched once you activate it by tuning on the hibeams yourself.  Having
American s-car I didn't need to solve the problem, so I'll leave the
solution to others.

I'm wondering, what relay, and how many, are used in your harness for
hibeams?  I built a harness using a single 40 amp Bosch relay for both
hibeams, and I have my own latching problem because the contacts
occasionally become welded together.

Wayne Dohnal
1994 S4

Hi all,

Today was headlights day for my urS6: lens cleaning, 9005 for low beams
(not installed yet, I have trouble removing the two pegs in the plug)
and relays. Everything goes well and the improvement is really worth the
trouble but I still have a little glitch. The high beams stay on. I can
switch them off by switching off the headlights but they won't turn off
just with the high beam/low beam switch. I've seen this issue mentioned
in the Euro Supernova article from Igor on www.urs4.com but there is no
fix in the article. Usually, this is due to a current leak and can be
solved by a resistance charge in parallel with the relay coil but I
though I'd rather ask the list before adding something else in the
already crowded passenger headlight enclosure.

BTW, I've not deleted the light check yet. Can it be related?


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