[s-cars] Overheating!

Matt Russell skippertgore at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 25 00:33:00 EST 2003

oh knowledgable S-heads-

my 92 began to overheat on a drive today.  temp gauge went to the 2nd hatch
mark beyond the 12 oclock position, autocheck came on.  Oil temp, however
was normal according to the gauge.

So i pop the hood: plenty of coolant, aux fan running.  It's 7 degrees here
today, so kicking on the compressor manually isn't happening.  I crank the
heat, and continue home as it's <10 miles on back roads with a steady 55

Make it home, temp gauge is still elevated, autocheck has gone off, then
clicked on again.  Oil temp is still normal.  Pop the hood and continue to
run the motor so as to (hopefully) not permanently damage the engine.  still
plenty of coolant though some has now sprayed along the hoodliner near the
reservoir.  an area near the steering rack is also sprayed, yet there is no
sign of a leak anywhere.  Aux fan NOT running.  WTF?  is there a pressure
relief of some sort on the coolant reservoir?

so i shut the car off after another minute or so with no change.  Go back
under hood, radiator is ice cold and there's very little pressure to escape
from the reservoir.  And, a strange clicking noise that I can feel via a
coolant hose that is closer to the firewall, near and above the bellhousing
of the transmission.  it's behind the afterrun pump, closer to the firewall,
if that makes any sense.

So: new h20 pump, T-stat, and coolant change last year.  Any thoughts?  I'm
about to check Bentley, but need to ask the collective wisdom here.
Something must have given up the ghost.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm in a bit of a run-on frame of mind, I
guess.  please cc me direct, as I subscribe to the digest.  any thoughts are
greatly appreciated.

-Matt, co
92 s4 - that thinks it's running hot, but doesn't appear to be... WTF?

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