[s-cars] Re: Re: Headlight up-grade

owdbuff at earthlink.net owdbuff at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 24 16:28:37 EST 2003

Original message attached.
My wife's S6 has the Euro lights we got them from Paul at Puma, but the bul=
bs are somewhat yellow in color.  I was thinking of getting HID's for both =
cars, can get the job done for about $500 per car.  He uses Hella ballasts =
and the Sylvsnia xeon bulbs.  I must be a cheapie, as I was trying to save =
some money.
Thanks for the info.
Tom Amberg
Arvada, Co.
95 S6
[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
Really, none of those "special" bulbs are worth the effort to install them.
The blue coating simply filters out some of the longer wavelength light from
the bulb and makes them _look_ more white.  The actual light output, howeve=
is reduced by as much as the filter removes.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but your options for a truly significant
lighting upgrade are basically two in number.  Neither is cheap.
1=2E Install Eurolights designed for the European market which more properly
focus the light from the lamps through use of properly designed reflectors =
lenses and thus give MUCH better lighting than the OEM (US) DOT approved
lights.  This is the option I am in the midst of using myself.  I have new
Eurolights and a harness with relays, etc, ready to install in my urS6 at t=
moment.  My bill was $769 + s/h from Blaufergnugen.   Other suppliers may h=
better pricing.  Blau had the lights in stock and the others, as far as I
could tell, didn't.
2=2E  Install Audi HID lighting.  I haven't priced these but they are in the
$1.1 to $1.2K range.
3=2E  Do it stepwise.  Install Euros and then, later, install HID capsules =
them for an additional $550 or so.  HID capsules in your present lights wou=
work but you still need the better light pattern of the true Euros before
doing this.
The Euro;lights for your car use two H1s (low and fog) and an H3 for the hi=
beams.  If the harness is relayed you can use higher wattage lights in place
of the 55 watt lights supplied with the lights.  Potential hazards include
melting plastic light parts due to greater heat from the higher wattage
lights.  H1 bulbs come 55, 85(?), 100, and 130 watts.  I _think_ I have seen
tham as 150 watt lights but I'm not sure about that.  Ditto the H3 bulbs.  =
thinking of sticking with 55 watts for low beams and fogs and going to 130 =
high beams since they are almost never turned on for very long and excess h=
will (I hope) not be a problem.
At 03:19 PM 2/24/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Original message attached.
I didn't talk with anyone at imotorgear.com, I ordered the Razo
bulbs on line.  I wish I had known priior to ordering them.  I had looked at
so may bulbs and different brands, I was seeing them in my sleep.  I did toy
with the idea of ordering the Sylvania "Silver Star", as I know the Sylvania
xeon is used in
the new Audi's.  Any thought on the Sylvania??  I don't think they make an =
though.  Thanks for the info.  I can still cancel my order with imotorgear.=
Tom Amberg
Arvada, Co
95 S6
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I've been wondering... Who would Jesus bomb?
 Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
 Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP
 '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244

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