[s-cars] Was Rattling Sunroof - Now "Darin's Evil Plan"
Dave Forgie
forgied at burnaby.associated-eng.com
Fri Jan 3 10:32:29 EST 2003
So you and "mini-you" are the evil culprits that are "stealing" all the Canadian S-cars? Just remember, on July 1st, Canada Day, if these cars are not in Canada, the software will self destruct, stranding the owners who knows where, maybe in the middle of a track event or on the way to an early July 4th Bar-Bee-Que. Probably doesn't matter, by that time George W. will have us all in it so deep we probably won't be able to afford the gas to drive the cars. That's if the North Koreans haven't nuked us all.
Dave F.
Darin Nederhoff wrote:
Say wha? You mean Dave's campaign there Mike. What Dave doesn't know
is that I have been secretly acquiring all of the available S cars and
bringing them into the U.S. By my last count there are only 67 S-CARS
left in Canada but I will have them eventually... muhahahaha! ;-)
Anyone want to buy a sweet '97 Canadian S6? haha
mlp qwest wrote:
>(b) It will go a long way to satisfying Darin's continuous (though
>ultimately probably futile) campaign of keeping Canadian UrS4/6's, well
>Canadian & in Canada, .... eh.
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