[s-cars] S6 steering issue turned into Timing Belt R&R

K G Hayes abiglizard at att.net
Tue Jan 7 09:08:38 EST 2003

Quick recap.  On my 97s6 the front left strut broke leading to an off road
excursion straight into some construction pipes waiting to be installed.
Bumper was torn off, radiator, condenser were pushed back into the engine,
engine was pushed back about 3/16".  This happened just before a
Thanksgiving road trip.

So now my car is in the shop.  I had to wait to get it in because they had a
line of work to get through before my car would be touched.  This shop has
done minor work for a friend on 2 Ferraris, 2 Porsches (completely built a
GT2 prep), an 850 BMW, etc...  Although my friend hasn't sent them any work
for Audis, Ed Carroll (Audi Dealer in Fort Collins) sends them work.  So I
feel pretty comfortable with their reputation.

Well, I mentioned to the owner of the shop that I wanted to do the Timing
Belt R&R while he had the front of the car off and maybe do some springs and
struts to lower the car while he had it.  His reply was that they can do
anything from frame up restoration to clear bras.  As always, for a price.
He said they could do the insurance billing and my personal billing
separate.  My friend had stopped by after I dropped off the car to check
things out and told the owner that he owed me a favor. Then I talked to the
owner about a week after I dropped the car off and in talking to him he
offered to let me come in to his shop and do the timing belt/ water pump r&r
and any extra stuff I had in mind.

So I would like to borrow (or rent) a T-Belt tool kit (Crank Lock, Crank
Bolt Lever, Tensioner Lock Pin) or at least a crank locking tool from a
lister, if possible.  If I need to rent the kit, I'd rather give the money
to a lister.

Also, I've read the write up from Fred Munro and the addendum by Mark Pollan
on the T-Belt R&R.

My question is why haven't I heard of listers using a large impact gun to
untorque the crank bolt?  I've heard of the crank bolts looking haggard, but
it seems an impact gun with a 27mm socket would better/ safer than trying to
control a 6' Johnson bar.  Do Audi techs use a 6' leverage bar or an impact
gun? Is the use of impact guns on our crank bolts verboten?  Has anyone ever
sheered off a crank key while trying to remove a crank bolt (using either
method)?  I have a huge impact gun available and I would like to use it if
it makes sense.  Also, since I haven't seen the Audi Crank Bolt Tool I don't
understand why (on installation) the torque with a torque wrench would be
338 ft.lbs. and with the Audi Crank Bolt Tool it's 258 ft.lbs.  80 ft.lbs.
difference seems like quite a bit.  Is there a quick easy explanation for
this?  Is it obvious if I see the tool?

How seriously should I consider doing the front seal at 80,000 miles
(128,000km)?  What type of adhesive is used for the crank seal OEM and is it
available for me to purchase or is there something better to use?  Are there
other things that may not be obvious that I should look for to make sure my
engine is okay after being pushed back ~3/16" (~3mm)?  If so I'd like to
make sure they are included in the insurance covered repairs.

Thanks for the bandwidth and patience with my long posts.

sick 97s6 (being dissected)

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