[s-cars] NAC, and now no turbo content either

Perry Eyges perryeyges at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 10 09:14:54 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

  I had a Yamaha 125cc 2 stroke (smoker) for my 1st year of driving. Of cou=
rse I had to save my own $$ for  that one. And yes I remember being soaked =
to my boxers more than once! My dad said "you can't get a girl pregnant on =
a motorcycle" and once again I prooved him wrong.
 Pram <pramtt at pacbell.net> wrote:Keith:

I did not even ask my parents for a car (I know I am not going to get it

They gave me a Suzuki GP100 (2 stroke 100cc motorbike). I did not even
get my first car until 2nd year graduate school.
Talk about dating on a motorbike (with lawnmower engine) rain or shine!


On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 07:32 AM, Keith Maddock wrote:

> I'll plead no contest. The 77 Corolla SR5 was a great first car, if
> you overlook its chocolate brown paint job. Low HP, rear wheel drive,
> 5-speed, go-kart handling, and bald tires :) Fun, but not fast enough
> to get me in serious trouble. Proved to be a fun car to tinker with in
> autoshop too! (Easy to work on, except when we had to remove the
> exhaust manifold to replace the starter)
> Im sure that oversteering beast went a long way to teaching you some
> good car control techniques though??
> Keith
> ****************************************************************
> Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive, Koblenz, Germany
> Slip Control Systems, Systems Design, Traction Control
> +49 (0)261/ 895 2474 - - keith.maddock at trw.com
>>>> "Chad Clark" 03:06:38 10.01.2003 >>>
> Keith, I think I got ya beat on this one. Try this on for size: A 14
> year
> old, 175k mi. 1972 Mercury Montego Villager, no seatbelts(or hopefully
> they
> were at least shoved down between the seats with the french
> fries/chewing
> gum/change) Otherwise known as the family truckster, Brady Bunch mobile,
> abortion on wheels. Green(rust) with fake decaying wood, green vinyl
> seats,
> had to be at least 40 feet long. Had a 400ci motor though and RWD:-)
> Great
> for winter driving in CO! Can you say oversteer? Even a Toyota Corolla
> was
> cool compared to this piece.
> So that's what I got to drive in '86 and get this, mom gets a brand new
> 5000
> turbo same year. Makes you wonder what they were thinking putting me
> behind
> the wheel of that car and as Ian said, I find no logic in how I
> survived in
> that car, at that age, even if it was only for 6 months.
> Chad
> p.s. Beat that!
> on 1/9/03 12:29 PM, Keith Maddock at Keith.Maddock at trw.com wrote:
>> Pram quipped:
>>> Apparently he asked his father for the Ferrari
>>> and his father told him "No". His mother
>>> relented and bought him the Ferrari."
>> Hmm, I guess my parents *were* looking out for me after all.
>> I asked Dad for a Ferarri, he said "NO".
>> I then asked Mom, and she said "NO" too.
>> I ended up with a 14 year old 130k mile, 75hp Toyota Corolla. At
>> least it was
>> RWD and 5 speed :-)
>> Keith
>> (now with more than 75 hp for each of 4 wheels!)
>> Last vehicle driven: 2wd Tahoe with 6 point roll-cage
>> ****************************************************************
>> Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive, Koblenz, Germany
>> Slip Control Systems, Systems Design, Traction Control
>> +49 (0)261/ 895 2474 - - keith.maddock at trw.com
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