[s-cars] Re- Rough Shifting

NDoshi at aol.com NDoshi at aol.com
Fri Jan 10 13:51:50 EST 2003

Make absolutely sure it was API GL-4 fluid you put in. If it was GL-5 it would contain moly-disulfide (noticable by its really bad smell)
GL-5 in the transmission will coat the syncros thereby reducing the friction that enables them to work and so makes for extremly tough shifting.

my $ .02. I once bought a 200 quattro where the 'box was shifting tough and notchy, I asked the p.o and was told that the shop had done a clutch job and re-filled the tranny (the light bulbs went off) when I drained the oil, it was GL-5. in went the MTL and all was fine.


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