[s-cars] Tuning measured in DYNO at East Cost ?

Kirby Smith kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Mon Jan 13 08:41:27 EST 2003

Hmmmm.  Friction losses as heat on the gear faces should be proportional
to applied torque.  Losses in bearings should be proportional to rpm.
Friction losses due to viscous drag in the gear box should be
proportional to gear velocity (squared or cubed).  The first of these
should not be independent of HP at the wheels.  So if Corky's postulate
is generally correct, then gear face friction is relatively negligible.


Frank Amoroso wrote:
> Very cool stuff.
> Interestingly enough in the world of driveline losses, Corky Bell's
> thought from his latest book, Supercharged! are as follows...
> Driveline losses are constant and not a percentage. Figure out what the
> loss is with a stock motor, and even if you add power (supercharging it
> in this instance) your loss does not go up, but remains the same as the
> originally calculated figure (because you know what stock power is, and
> you know what you measured at the wheels). He contends that the
> driveline losses do not change, because you didn't change anything in
> the driveline.
> Very interesting. I have always assumed it varied (i.e. a percentage).
> Then agian, I haven't done much research as it pertains to before /
> after driveline losses.
> Don't bust by balls here, just passing along something I found
> interesting.
> Frank at s-cars.org
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