[s-cars] Re: S-CAR-List digest, Vol 1 #925 - 9 msgs

Brian Powell brian at atomicham.com
Mon Jan 13 10:08:37 EST 2003

On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 09:12  AM,
s-car-list-request at audifans.com wrote:

> I was under the impression the correction was computed by multiplying
> wheel numbers by the transmission correction factor,
> i.e. 376.7 * 1.25% tcf = @ 470.9

No, no no.  If you have some number, 376.7, and we say it is the result
of a 25% loss, the equation is:

.75x = 376.7

therefore, x = 502.3.

When you decrease something by 25%, you cannot get back to the original
by increasing the new value by 125%.  Percentages, not scalars.
Remember the old addage, if you lose 50% of your money, you need a 100%
profit return to get back to the beginning. Damn percentages... :)


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