[s-cars] Removing Springs/Strut **Without** removing Strut/wheel bearing Housing

Mark Pollan mark.pollan at wcom.com
Thu Jan 16 15:42:16 EST 2003

In my oh so methodical (read procrastinating) approach to replacing my
suspension with Eibach/Bilstein (both now in my possession) I have been
reading/re-reading Igor's write-up on the website.  My question is what is
the step-by-step sequence in removing the struts and springs without taking
the whole front-end apart.

At a high level from what I can ascertain:

1. Lift and support front-end
2. Remove wheels
3. Compress Springs
4. Remove strut from above
5. Remove compressed springs

Do I need to do anything with the sway bar?

Any corrections/additions to the above steps would be greatly appreciated.


Mark Pollan

P.S.  While I have things in the air and apart, I'd also like to repack the
CV joints.  Any suggestion/recommendations here?

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