[s-cars] Removing Springs/Strut **Without** removing Strut/wheel

Mark Pollan mark.pollan at wcom.com
Thu Jan 16 23:15:35 EST 2003

And none of them were apparently lost on this audience - I'm soooooo proud.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Charlie Smith [mailto:charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org]
Sent:	Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:55 PM
To:	mark.pollan at wcom.com
Cc:	Audi S Car List; Charlie Smith
Subject:	Re: [s-cars] Removing Springs/Strut **Without** removing

Earlier, Mark Pollan wrote:
>  ...    I probably just opened a whole new bikini thread with that one.
> Hey a four ring bikini, kinda like this OooO, where the two small rings
> the large rings together and the larger rings, ah crap never mind.

Ooooo ...  Mark's getting kinky here!

> As far as the repacking, I was thinking of just pushing a few ccs in under
> the boot after busting off the clamp.  Not a full repack per se but...

Is this silicon packing you are proposing?  Strange names you are
using for pieces parts there, though ...

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