[s-cars] RE: Intrax/Koni suspension GP vs. H&R/Bilstein Sport

Richard Kurtzer rskurtzer at acninc.net
Fri Jan 17 07:56:09 EST 2003

Hi everyone,  This is my first time posting to the s-car board, but I've
reading it for a couple months now (bought my UrS4 in December).  My '93 S4
115K on the clock and I just ordered a set of H&R springs and Bilstein Sport
through RPI.  Then low and behold yesterday I read about a GP on an
Intrax/Koni setup
for quite a bit less cheddar, plus the Intrax drops the car more.  Anyone
have any
experience either owning or riding in an S4 with Intrax springs?  If so, how
are they from the H&R's?  Also, what other wear items in the suspension
should be
replaced when I go in there to change out the springs/shocks?

Richard K.

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