[s-cars] Re: Throttle adjustment opinion? (Photo Link included)
Tom Mullane
tmullane at snet.net
Tue Jan 21 09:58:45 EST 2003
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Throttle adjustment opinion? (Photo Link included)James,
As long as you achieve wide open throttle when the pedal hits the stop, you=
are getting all there is to get. The adjustment process has two goals, to =
avoid leaving any power "on the table" when the pedal hits the stop, and to=
protect the throttle linkage by making sure that the stop prohibits furthe=
r pedal travel than required for WOT(rather than the linkage). In English:=
sounds like you did it right to me. There should be some slack in the ca=
----- Original Message -----
From: James Murray (LMC)
To: 'Cody Payne' ; ray at s-cars.org ; Tom Mullane ; 'wmahoney at disk.com' ; '=
Paul Krasusky'
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 9:44 AM
Subject: Throttle adjustment opinion? (Photo Link included)
Back in mid-December Paul K. sparked a discussion on Throttle Link Adjusm=
ent, some secret "S-Car trick" that Ray T. performed. I had heard of such a=
trick but never understood it, so I wanted to try it myself thinking my th=
rottle probably needed adjustment. I followed the Bentley procedure first a=
nd recorded it in the link below. This seems the right way to me but I afte=
r I finished I still had lots of slack (same as before) but yet the pedal h=
it the floor at WOT? This seems correct to me as it doesn't stress the link=
age when pedal is to the floor, but am I missing something on this elusive =
"S-car" trick? Opinions welcome...
A few quick photo's makes it easier to explain:
Cheers, /Jamu.
Ray's "S-car Trick" and Tom's advice below:
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Tomlinson [SMTP:ray at s-cars.org]
Sent: December 17, 2002 2:01 PM
To: 'Tom Mullane'; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: throttle link adjustment
For those of us running without Audi's over-engineered "comfort" gas pe=
it is easy to notice if you have overtightened the throttle cable, as T=
It is easier, however, to have someone floor the throttle, while you ro=
the throttle linkage to see if there is still slack to be taken up by t=
cable adjustment. Then you will know how much you need to take up, and=
go from there.
DISCLAIMER: The aforementioned assumes the vehicle is not running, i.e=
"off". To be sure, remove all spark plugs, all gasoline, ignition
solenoid, ignition, fuel pump, fuel pump relay, BOTH PSO's, and battery.
The aforementioned assumes further that you generally drive a Honda Acc=
or Ford Tore-ass, and remain unsure as to whether your car is running or
-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Tom Mullane
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:43 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] RE: throttle link adjustment
Be careful doing this! Make sure you do not over tighten!
When the pedal is pushed to the floor, the throttle should be wide open.
The adjustment is at the throttle body and is not difficult to figure o=
Trial and error is a good method. Be careful; if you over tighten, you=
the risk of breaking the cable or the linkage.
(BTDT on a few VW's)
Tom Mullane
Hartford, CT
91 200Q
91 CQ
99 A6Q
Various other crap...
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Tomlinson [SMTP:ray at s-cars.org]
Sent: December 17, 2002 1:36 PM
To: 'Bill Mahoney'; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] link adjust was: wastegate screw
Before adjusting the throttle cable, check to make sure your throttle
position sensor is properly aligned. When you just touch the throttle
linkage open, you should hear a click. This, of course, tests only tha=
t the
switch opens and closes "physically", as opposed to whether the switch
properly bumps up the fuel enrichment.
Next, look at the throttle cable. See where the cable mounts atop the
throttle body? See the little metal clip that slips over the grooved
sleeve? BEFORE removing the clip, pull the cable away/straight back. =
I bet
100% of the cars on the road (that have not already adjusted their cabl=
need adjustment. How much can you pull the cable back before the throt=
linkage on the TB begins to swing the butterfly's open? 1/2" or so? P=
the clip, then reinsert the clip right before the point where the TB li=
begins to actuate the Throttle Position sensor. If the sensor is prope=
aligned, then you will notice that the TP sensor is not triggered until=
linkage moves ever-so-slightly.
If your car is like mine, Paul's, and all the UrS's with about 100k on =
clock, you will also note that this may be the last time your throttle =
can be adjusted - simply stretched to its limits.
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