[s-cars] Re: Electric fan kit?

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 21 18:15:12 EST 2003

By wiring in a relay with a switch, one can shut it
off manually at speeds of over 40mph where airflow is
enough to not require the belt-driven fan, thus
returning some, if any, power.
Admittedly, there MAY be some power loss at low
speeds, but if the current is not drawing at higher
speeds and at the track, especially, this could be a
good thing...at least in my limited grasp.

Educate me,
--- Huw Powell <human747 at attbi.com> wrote:
> > But, if it draws less power than the belt driven
> unit,
> > it's a worthwhile modification, no?
> correct.  The question becomes, does it?
> Instead of simply being spun directly by the motor,
> now the motor must
> spin the alternator to make a charge - with an
> associated loss.  Another
> loss storing it in the battery, another getting it
> back, and another
> when the electric motor turns the energy back into
> motion.
> Not to imply that I know it would be worse or
> better, but it's not as
> simple as just saying, "hey, it's not running off
> the engine any more!"
> It still is.
> --
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/
> http://www.humanthoughts.org/

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