[s-cars] questions

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu Jan 23 21:23:36 EST 2003

On Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 2:26 PM, Pauly fires up the Banks
email and writes:
> Gents-
> Met Kevin here in Sunny Hartford here last week, he's attempting to
> join
> the List but somehow his registration keeps getting kicked back.
Another Hartford investment banker that can't even do email is gonna
become an Audi wrench.  Can Paul's garage survive this?
> 1)  Coolant level on the low side, operating temp fine, negligible
> smell
> of coolant underhood, no visible leaks.  Shut car off, sound of
> "bubbling / pressure" is audible.
Is this why the sunroof was opened at 10F perhaps ?  A little
bubbling/pressure/smell?  The taste test for unknown leaks might not
apply here.
> 2)  Sunroof reportedly stuck once due to ice, then "broke free" and
> opened. Now, when closed and inside, you can reach up and push up on
> the
> rear edge of glass and it's rather loose up and down.  And when it
> closes, it closes 7/8 way, then kicks back open.  Close again and it's
> fine.
The Bentley has a complete description of the access and repair .  Too
bad the owners manual  didn't say this thing is called a sunroof, but
in the winter it lets in more cold air than sun.  Even Paul knows to
brush the snow off before opening the roof hole. :-)
> Anyone with suggestions for Kevin here, be sure you cc him in your
> response. Also, feel free to try and help him figure out how to
> properly
> subscribe here.
I think the list administrator blocked this one up front :-)  If I'm
wrong about that, welcome to the list, Kevin.
> -Paul recruitin in CT K.
Please don't recruit for the Army.  They are issuing live ammunition

Tom '95 S-6 mit the snow hole closed today

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