[s-cars] RE: S6 Tuneup

Steve Marinello smarinello at telocity.com
Fri Jan 24 07:18:03 EST 2003

All you poor souls freezing your butts off up north can take some solace
from the fact that this morning here in Mandeville, LA (just north f New
Orleans) it is only 18 degrees.  Of course,the advantage is that the cold
and 25 mph winds have driven the humidity down to ONLY 57%.  Of course, 45
degrees and 97% humidity here feels colder than 25 degrees back in Colorado.

My eleven year old son, born in Colorado, put on his fleece jacket, gloves
and ear warmers and looked outside at the other kids waiting for the bus and
muttered "Wimps!".

Stay warm,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Mullane" <tmullane at snet.net>
To: <epalombizio at yahoo.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:38 AM
Subject: [s-cars] RE: S6 Tuneup

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If I owned a 95 S6, the maintenance item that I would be most concerned
about would be the timing belt.  At 50K, yours probably has not been
replaced.  While you have not reached the recommended mileage, an eight year
old timing belt should be of concern.

You should also do plugs, fuel filter, air filter, and give the car a good
look-over.  Check brakes for wear, suspension for play, exhaust for leaks,

As an aside:  I am in CT too.  It was 8 degrees in Hartford this morning.  I
have postponed all but critcal repairs until warmer days.


From: "Elvis V. Palombizio" <epalombizio at yahoo.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 21:12:00 -0500
Subject: [s-cars] S6 Tuneup

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Me again,
            I've only had my 95 S6 for 2 weeks and I feel I should do a
tune up on it since I don't know the last time it was done. Does anyone
have suggestions for the the items I'll need? Spark plug wires, spark
plugs, ETC?

Thanks for everything!!!



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