[s-cars] Fuel Leaks; A temporary solution (maybe)

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Fri Jan 24 14:27:12 EST 2003

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Hey with all the fuel leak talk of late; Here are some very nice pics
from A8 guru Paul Waterloo.
Not a urS but is prolly the same hose problem.  Sounds like a frozen O
Ya know... "ever hear of shrinkage?"
Bill m
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User account number (aid): 22012[7]
Posted by PaulW[8] on 2003-01-24 13:45:13

In Reply to: Re: I have the same problem figured it out in five minutes
yesterday....[9] posted by Dos Quattros Pete on 2003-01-24 13:13:19

First, a picture of all the components:
The fuel supply line goes over the engine and supplies the fuel rail on the
driver's side (you can see the tube going off to the right). And now where the
leak is:
As you can see, it's leaking from the joint, not from the crimped connection.
Only when it's really cold out, whatever is sealing the outside to the inside
pipe (maybe some kind of o-ring) shrinks up and stops the sealing. It's in the
supply line, so it's under the highest pressure.
I could smell it when I would start my car, and then it would go away shortly
after that. But with it being so cold, it doesn't go away.
So yesterday, I pulled the engine plastic and it was dripping about 2 drops
per second from the joint, then down the rubber hose then dropping down right
where it takes a turn.
I called the dealer to see if they have it in stock and looked at the ETKA and
found that it is one unit that runs all the way to the trunk and fuel tank,
plus it has the evaporative hose attached. It has all three hoses (supply,
return and evaporative hose), and comes in a 60" box, it's about 8' of hoses.
Cost was about $300.
The dealer just got one the other week for a customer's car and had to get it
out of Texas.
So what did I do????
After I started my car, it was dripping, so I just pulled the rubber hose
portion away from the fuel rail and it stopped leaking just like that.
Today I smelt it again, opened the hood (the plastic is in the trunk, not on
the engine), pulled on the hose and it seated again.
I'm not going to pay the dealer $800 in labor to *uck up my car when replacing
it so I'm thinking of rigging it with some kind of hose clamp assembly to
provide pulling pressure on the rubber hose section so it stays sealed. As
soon as the ambient temperature is 30F or so, it won't leak. Not to say I
won't have to replace it some day soon, but when it's warmer and maybe I can
get the parts cheaper.
Any ideas how to make up a rig to provide seating pressure for the two

audipages.com - A Handbook to A8's[11]
Paul Waterloo
Cashmere Gray Mica A8
Debadged, Windows Tinted
Xenon Upgrade
Winter Wheels - 17" Stock Rims
H&R Coilovers
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Anyone had their gas/fuel line(s) replaced?[14]  -  Dos Quattros Pete  2003-01-24
12:52:07 (17 views)
Dos Quattros Pete - Can you do me a favor?[15] (image)  -  PaulW  2003-01-24
14:16:59 (1 view)
I have the same problem figured it out in five minutes yesterday....[16]  -  PaulW  2003-01-24
13:10:47 (15 views)
Off topic - Paul - check your email - I had a few questions about your xenons
- TIA[17] (image)  -  JimR  2003-01-24 13:41:00 (3 views)
Re: I have the same problem figured it out in five minutes yesterday....[18]  -  Dos
Quattros Pete  2003-01-24 13:13:19 (9 views)
Here's where it's leaking (image)  -  PaulW  2003-01-24 13:45:13 (7 views)
Re: Here's where it's leaking[19]  -  AndyZ  2003-01-24 14:01:45 (2 views)
I was thinking the same thing[20]  -  PaulW  2003-01-24 14:09:09 (0 views)

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