[s-cars] Wow, what a nightmare... well, the start of one anyway.

Rich Assarabowski konecc at snet.net
Sat Jan 25 13:49:13 EST 2003

Had the same thing when I bought my S4 (though not quite as bad as
you!), I replaced the drain plug with a new one.  No evidence of any
thread damage or metal particles, it's been fine since.  Use a torque
wrench (at least the first time) to get a feel for how tight to put it
on, I always use a fresh copper washer at every oil change.

-- Rich A.
   '93 S4

>Went and did the first oil change on the Audi 100S we got last month,
and some monkey boys had put the oil drain
>plug in with total brute force before I got the car. It took three of
us (none to weak), standing in the pit, with
>a six foot cheater bar, to get it off. The threads were still good, but
I'm concerned at the mechanical prowess
>that would do such a thing. Any comments, thoughts?
>I'll be cutting the oil filter open later to check for metal particles
and wear. If anyone needs this process
>documented for their benefit, let me know.

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