[s-cars] Calling Europe

Robin St.Clair uberseehandel at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 26 09:31:31 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Marc Glasgow wrote:

One note: the 171 prefix phone number is a cell phone, and calls from
the US will incur a substantial per-minute surcharge for calling it.


Why will calling a cell phone in Germany incur a substantial surcharge? Thi=
s is not a given, its down to your long Distance carrier.

You cannot extrapolate from the US telephone experience to Europe, these da=
ys. In Europe almost everybody has a mobile phone which allows them to be c=
ontactable at almost all times, wherever they may be. Reception is largely =
excellent, funnily enough it is only when receiving calls from the US that =
I experience any quality of service issues, go figure! As the mobile phone =
network in Europe integrates the SMS system, pagers are redundent. It makes=
 complete sense to post a mobile phone number when selling a car in Europe.

In most parts of the world it is possible to switch to the carrier which of=
fers the best rates to your target destination on a call by call basis, thi=
s is very handy (German joke), but don't be surprised if there is a lot of =
compression on a really cheap service.



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