[s-cars] Stealer Foiled

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Tue Jan 28 10:23:19 EST 2003

So, when the local stealer reported that old a8 Nav unit CD player that
doesnt play would be $800 to replace and thats with trading in the old unit,
I say uhmm no thank you kind sir.
Call Claire this AM, $393 net.
I can't say I'm totally surprised, but in a word; WTF!!
I mean come on.  Double $$ ??
There is no doubt in my mind that the new/used car sales tactics have spread
to the service and parts departments where they take a deep breath, throw
out a price and hope you say yes.  People are gonna be puking their Audi
Cafe latte's :Q
Be careful out there!
<off soap box>
Bill M - now $$ for that tor-cen rear diff:)

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