[s-cars] Follow-up on the in-car MP3 player concept:

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Wed Jan 29 10:00:35 EST 2003

Marc et al,
Having had a few inquiries WRT ipod/mp3 etc this week alone, it is
apparent that there is increasing interest here,... as there should be.
So, as a public service here's the link to my October post of iPod BTDT:


This could use some pics and polish but if you read through should be
good enough to get the job done.  Basically all we do is install an A B
switch to toggle between the cd player and the mp3 device of your
choice.  Hardwiring provides the most solid connection possible and ipod
provides plenty of power.
I still believe the iPod is well suited for this as:
The firewire connection right to the cars 12V will charge the ipod, thus
it doesnt need charging.  But, you should remember to turn it off/pause
it, when leaving the vehicle or it will run for several hours on it own
internal battery. (This is because simply turning off the firewire power
source does not stop it from playing.)
One thumb tuning is very easy to use.
And the various other reasons in the post linked to above.
I look at the iPod as probably a 2 or 3 year patch till the next thing
comes along.  And truth be told, I still have some tweeks for this as I
hope have a stealth storage compartment where the 3 button slugs go and
I 'd like to get one of those sort of black / grey translucent rubber
skins so it's whiteness is toned down vs the black dash.  But all in all
its koool!  Less obtrusive than a small cell phone.  And only a couple
of wires coming out the top that can be stretched if driver or passenger
wishes to hold the ipod in hand and then they retract into the console
when the ipod is returned to the mounting plate.
My .02
Bill M  - thinking what do I need this cd player for anyhoo?

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