[s-cars] Power Steering Pump

jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com
Wed Jan 29 10:45:42 EST 2003

Since the X-plug is leaking on my 95.5 Avant, I have searched the
archives and read all of the info that I could find regarding replacing
the X-plug and the O-ring.  While I found part numbers for the repair
kit (New Xplug and O-ring) and the suggested Napa Drag-link socket I
also saw several disturbing posts that indicated that the whole thing
might blow out soon after fixing.
Soooo, I am thinking about just replacing the whole pump for peace of
mind if nothing else.  There are way too many opportunities here in
Californa to get stranded in BFE 100's of miles away from anyone I would
want toughing my car.
My questions:
1. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to find a good price on
a rebuilt Power-Steering unit?
2. Or is new one a LOT better way to go?  I understand that even new can
mean great variabilty in quality as my 59000 mile 95.5  car is leaking
and the 112000 mile 93 car is bone-dry with both on their first pump.
3. Or if I just fix the one I have, can the "Drag-link socket" be used
to accurately torque (wiuth a wrench) the plug down so it does not pop
back out?  I can't visualize the drag-link socket having never seen one.

4. If torqued correctly, does this really solve the problem until the
new O-ring starts to leak?  Or has anyone followed the correct procedure
and still had the thing blow on them?
Jim Klein
95.5 S6 weeping
93 S4 happy as a clam
90 CQ very sad(-looking)

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