[s-cars] A rattle below -- EXHAUSTING my options

David Parry davidparry11 at netscape.net
Thu Jan 30 19:53:26 EST 2003

After 256,000 km my 95 S6 has started talking back.  Little rattling
noises on acceleration.  Since I'm 1,500 miles from home, I bought the
$17 ramp set from Walmart and crawled under for a looksee.
The heat shields on the pipe between the mainifold and catalytic
converters appear to be losing their good humor -- very rough around the
edges and loose enough to account for the rattle.
Everything else looks clean.  But according to the parts list, the
shields are part of a single pipe assembly worth $705. (4A0 253 101 BS)
Anyone know of any options to replacing the whole thing? Anyone know of
any non-stealer options available in Central Florida?   Thanks, folks.

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