[s-cars] 2.7tt trans into UrS4

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Fri Jan 31 09:21:32 EST 2003

Earlier, Dave Forgie wrote:
> Charlie:  No offense to Elijah, especially as he seems to be the pioneer
> on this swap, but it seems like a bit more engineering could make this
> transplant a lot easier to do and more robust, i.e more than one dowel
> pin in service, etc. Surely (don't call me Shirley), there is someone
> with both transmissions laying on a garage floor who could determine and
> document (text/photos) what needs to be cut where, drilled and tapped
> there, offset bushings machined, etc.  The results would be useful to
> many S-car owners.   Hey, there could even be some $ in this for a
> complete swap "kit" (bolts, bushings, pins, and cutting/machining
> instructions).  Who can take up the challenge?

This would be a great idea ...  although I don't think it needs to go
this far.  Here's my thoughts -

Dimensions on the needed bolts would be real good.

I don't think we need to worry about the dowel pin.  If the bolts
holding the transmission to the engine are tight, it will not
move around.  Remember, VW and 356 Porsche's held the entire engine
onto the transmission with 4 bolts.  Yeah, 4.  Thus, no offset
bushings either.  Remember, there's several cars already running
around like this.

A template for relieving the transmission bell housing would be OK,
When someone has the old transmission and the new one laying there
on the floor, a quick shot with a high speed grinder will certainly
do it.  It doesn't need real precision - as long as clearance is
created and they don't cut away too much.  If we had pictures of
that area of both bell housings it would probably suffice.

So ... when you convert your car, please take pictures of both
gearboxes, I'll put them in my transmission web pages.  Also,
please take pictures of the oil pump area and fittings.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
  http://www.elektro.com/~audi     photos & technical info

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