[s-cars] Forge BPV's ??(diverter valves)

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Fri Jan 31 15:06:47 EST 2003

Earlier, mlp qwest wrote:
> See Fredric, Rod's been working diligently on his "hyperpuissance" as a V8
> substitute
>     http://slate.msn.com/id/2077874/
> from the "... France thinks the United States has so much power that the
> French language didn't have a word for it."
> :-)
> Mike "OK Charlie, we can go back to the Sheep Jokes" Pederson

Ummm.   Before we return to the ongoing Sheep Jokes, we need to
hear Frederic's comments.  I think the only part that was even close,
is where it says down at the bottom, after all the prejudiced blather
"As a U.N. diplomat said last week, 'It matters to matter for France.'"
I can concur with them.

    - Charlie

Besides, I thought we decided those weren't sheep jokes, they were
excerpts from some Colorado College yearbook ...

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