[s-cars] Anyone with aftermarket sound

Matt Moly urs6_20valve at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 7 09:49:21 EDT 2003

I have recently been posting questions about adding a
CD changer and whatnot to my Bose system, all with no
real solution (aside from spending huge quantities of
cash). So now I'm considering just changing everything
out for aftermarket. I have taken a liking to
Blaupunkt head units and would have to look around at
component speakers (I like Infinity so far)and would
consider using a good 4 channel amp to feed some good
clean power to the components (I like Alpine). I
already have a decent sub so the bass isn't going to
be an issue. The question I have for anyone who has
heard an S6/A6 go from Bose to aftermarket or just
knows a lot about car stereo, is would changing it all
out for some decent equipment result in a decrease in
sound quality? I mean, I've never thought the Bose was
exactly magical (but perhaps thats in part because I
haven't heard it with the factory Cd changer), but I
don't know what an fully aftermarket system sounds
like. Thanks for any advice.

Matt Molyneux
'95 S6 MTM 1
Albany, NY

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