[s-cars] An EM upgrade question/poll

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Thu Jul 10 11:55:57 EDT 2003

Mike:  Based on the info in the link, I would guess that the OE, RS2 and
IA exhaust manifold materials are "out-dated".  However,  I doubt if
anyone is going to develop a Si-Mo Ductile iron EM for an obsolete
engine (i.e. the 20Vt 5 cylinders).  D*mn.

I haven't had anybody coming forward to say, yeh, I burned no. 5 exhaust
valves (or cracked the head) because I didn't switch to an RS2 or IA EM
when I went to 300 plus hp.  Is this because everybody did switch EM's?

Dave F.

mlp qwest wrote:

> Sorry, a better general link about material maybe
>  http://www.ductile.org/magazine/2001_1/manifold.htm
> ~-----Original Message-----
> ~From:On Behalf Of Dave Forgie
> ~ ..... Being cautiously  paranoid, I would always upgrade the EM to
> ~RS2 or Ned's improved RS2 clone before adding .......
> ~
> ~Dave F.
> ~

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