[s-cars] EM type, chip upgrades and cracked heads

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Sat Jul 12 09:28:12 EDT 2003

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
One of my guesses I anyone were to be able to assemble the data, is the most
likely candidate for a burnt valve/cracked cylinder etc. would by cylinder
#3, and not because of anything in the exhaust manifold, but rather because
of the layout of the intake manifold.  Assuming equal fuel delivery to all
injectors, in a highly boosted motor, just on the basis of looks, #3 would
be the most likely to run lean, which I guess would mean hotter, which I
associated with "more likely than the rest" to experience a problem.  #1 and
#5, if anything, would run slightly richer,... again nothing more than a
pure guess based on the intake manifold layout.

Dave, FWIW & notwithstanding Hap's recent paranoid :-) machinations with the
intake, in no case have I heard of this rising to epidemic proportions, ....
but then you never know.

Bob the pics you asked for are attached.


~-----Original Message-----
~From: Robert Pastore

~Your assertion is precisely the story Hoppen gave everyone as they began
~sellign rs2 upgrades.   It because accepted as gospel, and nobody
~ever seems
~to question or challenge it.   I don't have clear evidence one way or the
~other, but have seen many 1+ chipsets run hard for 10's of thousands of
~miles wthout any problems.  OTOH, I have also heard stories of
~cracked heads
~on moderately driven cars that ran stock chipsets.  I think we'd all like a
~black and white answer, but the evidence I've seen suggests that there just
~isn't one.
[ FMIC BT vs SS w notes c80 Dscn0738.jpg of type image/jpeg deleted ]
[ FMIC BT vs SS w notes Dscn0738.jpg of type image/jpeg deleted ]
[ FMIC gen2 BtoT Dscn0751.jpg of type image/jpeg deleted ]

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