[s-cars] Knock Sensor

Walsh, Edward edward.walsh at agedwards.com
Tue Jul 15 13:11:32 EDT 2003

Thanks Sean,

I found the 2 KS last night (talk about a needle in a shitstack) was hoping
that one was loose (rattling causing "noise") but both were tight.

Pulled codes again and got a 2413 "Mixture adjustment - Fuel system pressure
too low.  Spark plugs, ignition coils, POS malfunctioning.  Leakage in
exhaust system before cats.  Incorrect signal for MAF"

Now, I know my plugs, coils and POS are good.  There is no leak in the
exhaust and the MAF is OK.... So that leaves fuel system pressure too low.
Makes a little sense as the car is flawless at <16 PSI, it only surges at
high boost.  That said, the surges/misses don't seem violent as I would
associate with fuel starvation.  But the surges are sometimes very
noticeable (like the engine "cleared its throat") and other times just
perceptible on the boost gauge (though the isn't as fast as it should be).
Again, at anything < than 16psi, the car engine is perfect.

Could a bad FPR cause low fuel pressure?  Rod, I mean Bill, please send me
your old FPR.  Thanks :)



-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Douglas [mailto:quattro20v at telus.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:38 AM
To: Walsh, Edward; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Knock Sensor

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