[s-cars] S-List rules, POS stinks

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Wed Jul 16 09:54:44 EDT 2003

Hi all,

Yesterday, coming back home, the S6 developped a new permanent misfire -
not the 2Krpm stumble I've been hunting for too long. Hopefully, I was
only five minutes from home so I drove it on the beloved "Limp-Home"
mode when you continuously pray "Hold! Please hold a few more kms,
pleaaaase!" until you're able to get into your parking lot on your four
wheels. Anyway, it was too late to do anything and I was too much in
rage that it happened on this particular day, as I must start today a
1.5 million sanding machine my company just bought when my 90Q20V is
also immobilized by a big fuel leak between the pump and the filter.
You'd better have a cold mind when you start wrenching with a short
deadline, so I said "tomorrow is another day" and I went to sleep.

This morning, 6am, I was on my computer browsing the S-List archive,
then on the S-List advice, browsing the Huw's site. After a good
breakfast - better wrench with a full stomach - I took two screw drivers
out of my toolbox, a flat wrenches set and went under the hood. 5
minutes disconnecting  injectors to discover the cylinder 1 is missing,
20 minutes to swap the POS, missing cylinder moved from 1 to 4, 30
minutes swapping wire - damn, half an inch of wire to pull out the
connector requires fairy fingers - and voila! Problem solved in less
than an hour! I think my company should make a big donation to the
S-List and/or Huw!

I still don't know if this solved also the 2Krpm stumble as it comes
only with a hot engine. We'll see today but I believe I'll install the
new coils anyway as the old one are pretty rusted and they'll fail soon
if not already done.

Nothing new in this story but I had to share. Sorry for the venting WOB.
Have a good day. Mine is starting well ;-)


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