[s-cars] Samco AAN hoses GP?

Clayton Howes linksvu at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 16 13:09:58 EDT 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Over the last couple months, I have seen  a few posts on shortages of Samco
hoses for our AAN engines, but I thought I also remember seeing a possible GP
for the S4/6 group as well.  Has their been any movement on such?

Specifically, I am looking for the hoses that leads into the IM through the
MAF.  I cannot remember which one that is called, but I blew a hole in it
right where it splits into two sections (one larger one into the IM, the other
smaller towards the driver).  Color has no preference, but a GP would be nice,
as I am willing to go with the entire hoses purchase.

Anyone else in the same boat or know where I could get this hose?  Any
thoughts on GP?
CT Howes

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