[s-cars] NAC: Best Weed Killer?

MLP mlped at qwest.net
Thu Jul 17 15:22:08 EDT 2003

Get Hap to come over with his RAIS.  If it'll do small dogs, prairie dogs
and ground squirrels, surely it can suck up leafy, limp weed spawn.  If you
want to collect & examine the removed vegetation, you can ask Hap to leave
the air filter in the RAIS, otherwise everything that comes out the tail
pipe ought to be satisfactorily fricasseed, no autoclave required, RAIS is
widely believe to be able to handle over 1 square mile vs. Mssr.
Echlebergers puny one square foot Ohio system.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul.Park at colorado.edu

Hi Guys,

Perhaps when you're not mulling over how much horsepower you can net by
adding such and such modification by so and so manufacturer, you guys are
maybe caring for your lawns.

What's the best way to get rid of weeds...I think I pulled over a 50 easily
in a hour and a half span...good clean front yard. The next week...POOF,
they're are trillions more!

Any suggestions as to how to get rid of them? The spikey, firm ones that are
easy to pull I don't mind...but the leafy, limp ones that spawn the
weeds...those need to go. Sounds sort of like a hierarchy:)

Thanks guys,

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