[s-cars] Help - My S4 is still bucking, new fault code 2224

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Thu Jul 17 23:24:29 EDT 2003

I had an overboost dtc that I could not solve.  My local shop fixed it by
mistake when they removed and reinstalled the MAF meter while doing a tranny
swap.  I think I had some unmetered air getting in from the hose clamp joint
on the suck side of the MAF.


-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of chris chambers
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 5:26 PM
To: Scar
Subject: [s-cars] Help - My S4 is still bucking, new fault code 2224

Well it isn't fixed.....yet.

New Bosch plugs
New Bosch Oxygen Sensor
New Samco Turbo Hoses
Cleaned the ISV

Still bucks in any gear under hard acceleration between 35oo - 4200
rpm, if I accelerate "slowly" it doesn't buck. The factory Boost gauge
is reading normally. Previous fault codes were 2413 rich mixture and
then 2231 ISV.

Now I get 2224, Over boost condition.

When it first started I had just replaced my turbo hoses with the
Samcos, and have always felt this was just a coincidence. is it?
After it started I replaced the spark plugs and the symptoms went away
immediately, but returned one week later. I cleaned the ISV and the
plugs and it seemed better...NOT, it was back the next day. Last night
I replaced the oxygen sensor and it seemed better but the symptoms
returned this afternoon. Just for the heck of it I cleaned the plugs
and retorqued them, but it didn't help.

Was the improvement after replacing the plugs a fluke? Should the plugs
be black except for where the spark arcs between the electrodes?
Right now I think it's running rich, but am unsure why.

Do I have a PSO failing?



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73 Porsche 914 2.0 (67,000 original miles, stock), 67 GMC Long Step pickup
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