[s-cars] Boost problem

Sitticheep Somkearti sittich at mvcoms.com
Sun Jul 20 22:09:44 EDT 2003

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My S6 is UK spec and its came with no CE light. The problem that I also hav=
e now is VAG 1551 could not retrieve fault code from ECU its only be able t=
o access any modules in the car but no response from address 01 which is th=
e engine management system address. Will try to put in the CE light see whe=
ther its work or not.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Myers
  To: kirby.a.smith at verizon.net ; Tue
  Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 8:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [s-cars] Boost problem

  Please permit me to add that http://ross-tech.com can provide the requisi=
te VAG-COM software and connector cable to permit use of a laptop computer =
to read these codes.  This would be well worth the investment unless you ha=
ve ready access to the VAG 1551/1552 computer used by Audi dealerships.

  At 09:35 AM 7/20/2003 -0400, Kirby Smith wrote:

    The computer is backing off the boost because the computer detects a
    problem.  Reseting the computer by restarting the car allows it to try
    for full boost again until the problem occurs.  The question is: What is
    the problem it detects.  One possibility is low octane gasoline causing
    detonation.  Another is a loose detonation (knock) sensor giving false
    readings.  There may be many other causes others on this list could
    better describe.  However, in US cars, at least, Audi provides a means
    of finding out what the computer is complaining about.  There is an
    interface to the computer that allows one to find out what trouble
    code(s) have been set by the computer.  I do not know about your car in
    particular, but I believe 95.5 cars have the interface somewhere next to
    the hand brake.

    I also do not know if you can get the codes to show up as a flashing
    light on the dash, as my 95 can, or whether only another computer can
    read them.  You need to find an Audi mechanic who has a suitable device
    and a list of the codes and their interpretation.


    Tue wrote:
    > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    > --
    > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
    > So many problem with my UrS6 (year 95.5)that really get me sick of it=
. First the front shock follow by the ignition coil was bad, the fuel pump =
dead. Now the latest symptom is the motor could run smooth from the first s=
tart and had shown nothing wrong drive out with very powerful, It gone all =
the way up to 2.1(The stock boost pressure on the computer) suddenly its lo=
st the boost to 1.5 then no more boost can go up to the same level again ti=
ll stop the engine and restart then I can boost up to 2.1 once more. Any on=
e had a clue where should I start with. It seems to me that the ECU tells t=
he waste gate to control the boost pressure but it wouldn't stop and back t=
o the normal state.
    > Many thanks in advance.
    > SS
    > --
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   Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
   Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP
   '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244


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