[s-cars] Bose stereo gone bad?

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Thu Jul 31 23:37:24 EDT 2003


My stereo suddenly stopped playing today, a small pop and then no power to
the head unit.  I popped it out to find the 5a fuse blown.  Put in another
fuse, The unit went to safe mode and then popped another fuse within 30
seconds. I suspect someting is wrong here.  Is it a bad amp?  I do have a
few spare components from my wife's 92 S4 that has had the stereo replaced
due to some kind of problem with an amp.  What do I look for and where are
the amps for this contraption of a stereo system?!  I am satisfied with the
stock system and do not want to sink a lot of money in a new system.  Does
anyone have spare components to sell me once I have determined what I need?


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